Roots SMP
The Roots SMP is a concluded lore based origins server!
Follow our creators and keep up with the intruging story of some peculiar individuals who find themself trapped in the same world... is it possible they'll all be friends? (spoiler alert: no)The server was active through out 2021 to 2023, slowly building a story full of twits, silly times and angst all the same.Created by PinkuVenom and Rattz

Pinku Akuma


Thy Mistake

Opti Arts

Kit Bean


Elysian Willow




Lore recap:
Pinku and Rattz were the first to arrive in this world. Scared and cluless, they set camp in Big Tree, a.. big tree they found not far from spawn.Soon enough more people started to show up: Elysian Willow, Kit Bean, Vaz, Thy Mistake, Opti Arts. Everyone had gone through a portal and couldn't find a way back to their home world, just like Pinku and Rattz had.They tried to be friendly and co-exist in this new and strange world, but conflic soon arised: Willow and Kit were planning to run a trade center to bring everyone toghether and make a "community", but Pinku, having barely escaped her tirannical rulers back home, immediatly saw this as the start of a worrying government.Trusting her suspicions, she, Rattz and newly arrived Helson got toghether to form a small revolutionary group, just in case things went south. Willow in the meanwhile was gathering the rest of the server to be apart of their community.The first time everyone really got to meet eachother though, was at the Solstice party, organized by Vaz, a tree person who just wanted to celebrate nature with all the misfortunate people who ended up here. Little did they know, new people had not stopped arriving: in the middle of the mean, a portal suddenly appeard, and Auxxin arrived through it. The portal quickly deactivated, and yet again someone got stuck.
Pinku took the occasion to get someone else on her side, Auxxin also having bad expiriences with governments.But the newcommers didn't end here.Shortly after, two new individuals arrived: Rexmin and Saros. The first decided to join the revolutionists, while the second got lured in by Willow to join their community, who now had a name: Landeria.Few months after, everyone finally got to see this community turned nation, at the Gala. Everyone was there, except Vaz, who had seemingly departed. After a fun meal, everyone travelled over to Landeria, finally revealed to be a huge structure.
Everyone was in awe... except Pinku and Rattz. It suspiciusly reminded them of their past, and in the panic they decided to take action: they would kidnap Willows child, Bear, to have the upper hand and stop Willow from goin down the path of the ruler.But their plan went horribly wrong; Bear accidentally died while they transported him, and Willow found out right after. In his rage, he killed Rattz as revenge, leaving Pinku full of hatred and... guilt. Not able to bare the pain of losing his child, Willow then took their own life.Pinku, after informing the remainig revolutionaries of what had happened, decided to turn herself in to Landeria, to avoid them being tagled in her mistake. There, she only found Kit, who blamed her for the death of their friend, and decided to publicly execute her. Everyone was called to Landeria to witness it....and that included Rattz. After having died, he had come back just a few weeks after. Noone really knew how or why, but that meant Pinku and Willow would come back too. And so they did, a few months after.The tension between the two had not withered at all: Pinku, as paranoid as ever, sent Helson as a spy to join Landeria, and Willow set up cameras to ensure the safety of Landeria all over the server.In the midths of this, an other death had occured: Kit, wanting to find Willow in the afterlife, "fell down the stairs" just as Willow came back to life. Soon after they were back too, and toghether they agreed to have eyes on everyone. Most members of Landeria were not happy about this at all though, their trust in their leaders trembeling.On the other side of things, something had been lurking in the shadows: scared for themself and their friends, Helson had accepted a deal with a demon, who swore to protect them and not hurt their friends. But the demon was very much planning to hurt people, possessing Helson from time to time to alter their relationships and find devastating victims: first, Opti, whom Helson was slowly befriending while undercover in Landeria, and second, Rexmin, Helson's closest friend. Possessing his host, the demon made Rexmin hate them, till eventually he killed them in the middle of a fight. After this, Helson realized what the demon was doing, and threw themself in lave to break the deal.[to be continued...]